So the guy sitting on my shoulders is Señor Frog. When he was born, based on the length of his bones and the size of skull, etc. the doctors predicted he would be over 9lbs.

Nope. 6lb 5oz.

He had the bones of a 9 pounder and the SKIN of 9 pounder. But not the fat. So he came out with these long skinny legs and droopy rough skin. Next to Peaches he was the most beautiful thing I'd ever laid eyes on. Funny thing is he just gets more and more beautiful every day.

He has spent way too much time with Pug and has picked up a fair number of flat-faced canine habits. When he is delighted with something he often scrunches up his face, wrinkles his nose and pants or snorts. To carry toys or socks while crawling he often places them in his mouth. He likes to plunge his face into Pug's water bowl. One could argue he is the victim of a misnomer and should be called Señor Dog.

On the 19th of last month I could see Bunboy moving for the first time. He is slowly getting more active there in Peaches belly. I am tempted to go ahead and make a call on Bunboy's temperament as a bit more laid back than Señor Frog. Señor Frog could have auditioned for lead role in Ricochet Rabbit Returns. Bunboy takes it easy. I can't wait to chill with him in November.

1 comment:

Katie W. said...

does the wee frogman do a choreographed dance to a certain frog song? oh...i hope so.

good hearing from blackgate blogdom again. you are missed.
