So as if there aren't enough ways for the 21st Century to further alienate us from one another, and spread our culture's excess of SELF-RELIANCE, we now have WikiHowTo.

Everyday more and more WikiHows pop up. How To Breed Hamsters, How To Soothe a Baby, How To Remove a Coffee Stain.

And my favorite: How To French Kiss.

Used to be when you wanted to learn something, you went and asked someone. Not anymore. Completely unnecessary.

The cost was the smallest amount of humility. The benefit was real relationships with real people.

How did I learn to french kiss? I was at summer camp and there was a cutie from the girls camp that I had my eye on. I asked David Landrum cause I knew he had done it and would give me the inside scoop. He said it would feel weird like a flavorless piece of bubble. He was right. David I became friends.

Today a kid can just WikiHow any subject. In the end it's a good thing, I suppose. But call me an old fart, 'cause I'm glad I had to ask David rather than reading it online.

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